Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Halloween Songs

Today, at Building Blocks, we were singing Halloween songs.

The Old Spooky Witch Had a House
(sung to Old McDonald)

The Old Spooky Witch had a house
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
And in her house she had a (have a child name something like a mummy, cat, owl, spider, ghost, whatever they can think of)
(Make up an action to go along with their choice: mummy, arms out, moving back and forth, groaning)
With a groan, groan here
And a groan, groan there
Here a groan, there a groan
Everywhere a groan, groan

The Old Spooky Witch had a house
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
And in her house she had a (cat)
With a meow, meow here
And a meow, meow there
Here a meow, there a meow
Everywhere a meow, meow

The Old Spooky Witch had a house
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
And in her house she had an (owl)
With a whooo, whooo here
And a whooo, whooo there
Here a whooo, there a whooo
Everywhere a whooo, whooo

Continue with the song until all the children have had a chance to pick something for the song.  We have had everything from a bodyless head (holding hands around head and staring ahead saying nothing), to a butterfly (holding hands like a butterfly and flitting around saying flit, flit here...)

Goin' on a Monster Hunt
(sung to Goin' on a Bear Hunt)

(Sing song while claping your hands on your legs)

Goin' on a Monster Hunt (children repeat each line)
Gonna catch a scary one
Are you scared?

Okay, let's get going
(clap for a while)

Look over there!
It's a graveyard...
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it
(slide hands back and forth, making a swishing sound, talk about walking through the graveyard...going through the tall weeds...being in the dark...hearing the howling wind)

Goin' on a Monster Hunt (children repeat each line)
Gonna catch a scary one
Are you scared?

Okay, let's get going
(clap for a while)

Look over there!
It's a swamp...
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it
(clasp hands, moving them to make a squishy sound, talk about walking in the swampy water...watching out for snakes and alligators...smacking the mosquitoes)

Goin' on a Monster Hunt (children repeat each line)
Gonna catch a scary one
Are you scared?

Okay, let's get going
(clap for a while)

Look over there!
It's a moat...
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it
(pretend to the the the the doggy paddle...get out of the water and shake off)

Goin' on a Monster Hunt (children repeat each line)
Gonna catch a scary one
Are you scared?

Okay, let's get going
(clap for a while)

Look over there!
It's a tall, tall tree...
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go up it
(pretend to climb up the tree...climb...climb...climb...get to the top and hold on...look around and spot a castle...climb down....climb....climb...climb)

Goin' on a Monster Hunt (children repeat each line)
Gonna catch a scary one
Are you scared?

Okay, let's get going
(clap for a while)

(talk about going up the creaky stairs...making creaky noises...get to the door and pick up the huge doorknocker and knock three times...bang...bang...bang...the door opens...walking to the dark, dark castle...walk up the creaky stairs...making creaky noises...get to the top and see three doors...have a child pick one of the the creaky door...making more creaky noises...walk into the dark, dark room...stretching out your about feeling something, hairy, slimy or scaly...feel sharp,, sharp teeth...see glowing eyes)

(start screaming, clapping everything, but in the tree, see the monster coming after you)

(keep running & screaming until you reach your house)

Run up the stairs
Who has the key? (pick a child who has the key)
Unlock the door
Lock the door
Run up the stairs
Open the door to your bedroom
Close the door
Dive under the bed
We're safe!

The kids love these songs so much, we have been singing them everyday for the last week.